ABOMINATION (bresil): Terror nazarene (death metal) 2008 3 euro
ABSCESS (bresil): Abscess (death metal) 2008 3 euro
ABUSO VERBAL (bresil): Favela warriors (war metal) 2008 3 euro
AETHERES/ ALONE IN MOURNING ( pol/pol) : Fires in darkness (dark/black metal) 2007 3 euro
AFFLICTIS LENTAE (fr): Chaos fire hate (black metal) 2008 3 euro
AFFLICTIS LENTAE (fr): Saint office (black metal) 2009 3 euro
ANGERISE (bresil): Living in the age of extremes (death metal) 2008 3 euro
ANGREPP (swe): Prepare for the attack (black thrash) 2008 3 euro
ARCHAIN (dan): Constructive violence (death metal) 2007 3 euro
ARMED DEATH (grece): Ancient soul (pagan metal) 2008 3 euro
ARMINIUS (pays-bas) : Piroclastic siege (death metal) 2007 3 euro
ASYLIUM (swe): An eternity of human decay (black metal) 2008 3 euro
ATOMIZER (austra): The war that never ended (old school black metal) 2008 3 euro
AVE NOTURNA (bresil) Caminho metalico (heavy metal) 2008 3 euro
BABYLON MYSTERY ORCHESTRA (usa): Axis of evil (true epic rock) 2008 3 euro
BAD LOSERS (fr): Azimut brutal (punk/oï) 2012 3 euro
BARAD DUR (ger): Under the curse (black metal ) 2009 3 euro
BEGRIME EXEMIOUS (can): Demo 2006 (black metal) 2006 3 euro
BEGRIME EXEMIOUS (can): Set ablaze the kingdom of abraham (black metal) 2009 3 euro
BEYOND THE GRAVE (bresil): Let the chaos clean the world (thrash metal) 2008 3 euro
BLACK DEMENTIA (dan): Dictum of negation (black metal) 2009 3 euro
BLACK HEART IN THE NORTH compil des groupes de black metal du nord 2006 3 euro
BLACK MASS (usa): Hell war (death metal) 2007 3 euro
BLACK VIRGIN (usa): Tribute to cult of the virgin (heavy metal) 2008 3 euro
BLACK VIRGIN (usa): Live in russelsheim 1989 (heavy metal) 2009 3 euro
BLOOD POLLUTION (russie): Armed you! (thrash metal) 2009 3 euro
BLOODTHIRST (pol): Discographie (thrash metal) 2006 3 euro
BLUTEN (slova): Years of hate and misanthropy (black metal) 2005 3 euro
BODY SHOT (ger): Ruins (hard-core) 2009 3 euro
BOTNIA (finl): Botnia (thrash punk) 2008 3 euro
BRIARGH (esp): Ebro (black metal) 2009 3 euro
CAIRN (fr): Haine et chatiment (nsbm) 2006 3 euro
CALM HATCHERY (pol): El alamen (death metal) 2009 3 euro
CAMOS (bresil): Black metal night (black metal) 2009 3 euro
CANCERBERO (chili): Abominations from hell (black metal) 2009 3 euro
CARDIAC ARREST (swe): Songs from hell (thrash metal) 2005 3 euro
CHAINSAW KILLER (colom): Nemesis of jesus christ (heavy metal) 2006 3 euro
CORPUS CHRISTII (port): Rising (black metal) 2006 5 euro
CROSSODOMIZE/DEWARSTEINER (ita/ita): Still fucking alive (black thrash 2008 3 euro
CRUEL FORCE (ger): Into the crypts (black thrash) 2009 3 euro
CULTO OBSCENO (equa): En decadencia (war metal) 2007 3 euro
DAMAGE CASE (pol): Bullebelt users (heavy thrash) 2009 3 euro
DEAD CHRIST CULT (urk): Your aburd life (black metal) 2009 3 euro
DEATH MECHANISM (ita): War crimes (thrash metal) 2009 3 euro
DECAYED (port): Chaos underground (black thrash) 2010 3 euro
DEMONCY (usa): Faustian dawn (black metal) 200? 3 euro
DESOLATION (fr): Sur le chemin de nos terres (black metal) 2009 3 euro
DEVASTATOR/AMPÜTATÖR (usa/usa): Onslaught of atomic filth (black thrash/black metal) 2008 3 euro
DISORDER (ger): Beyond the walls of sleep (black metal) 2009 3 euro